India 1852-2008
Official Stamps
India used Abroad
Detailed notes for:-
Aden, French Indian Settlements, Kuwait, Muscat, Nepal, Portuguese
India, Somaliland, Tibet, Trucial States
Fully Priced listings for:-
Bahrain, British East Africa, Iran, Iraq, Malaya (Straits Settlements)
and Zanzibar
Indian Expeditionary and Custodian Forces issues
India Convention States (including Official stamps)
Chamba, Faridkot, Gwalior, Jind, Nabha and
India Feudatory States (including, where issued, Official stamps and
Alwar, Bamra, Barwani, Bhopal, Bhor, Bijawar,
Bundi, Bussahir, Charkhari, Cochin, Dhar, Dungarpur, Duttia,
Faridkot, Hyderabad, Idar, Indore (Holkar), Jaipur, Jammu and Kashmir,
Jasdan, Jhalawar, Jind, Kishangarh, Las Bela, Morvi, Nandgaon,
Nawanagar, Orchha, Poonch, Rajasthan, Rajpipla, Shahpura, Sirmoor,
Soruth, Travancore, Travancore-Cochin and Wadhwan
INDIA (including Convention and Feudatory States)
The most comprehensive and up-to-date catalogue of
India and States on the market
and considerably expanded since the publication of the previous edition
in 2004.
New, handy page size.
More color illustrations, particularly in the Feudatory States.
Additional priced listings of Indian stamps used in Bahrain, British
East Africa, Iran, Iraq, Malaya (Straits Settlements) and Zanzibar.
Numerous additions throughout the volume, in the form of helpful notes
and new varieties
several watermark varieties are listed for the first time.
A comprehensive design index for Indian stamps, 1947- date makes stamp
identification easy.
Prices have been carefully revised and updated in line with todays
very active international stamp market. In common with other rapidly
developing economies, the demand for Indian stamps, particularly the
pre-independence issues, has grown considerably in India itself over the
last few years, with the result that prices have risen dramatically. In
India itself, many earlier stamps have been marked up by 50 per cent, or
more, since the previous edition and the in-demand 10 rupee Gandhi stamp
of 1948 has gone up mint from £45 to £160! Indian States are also
growing in popularity, with the 1931 Investiture set of Jaipur up from
£170/£950 (mint/used) in 2004 to £250/£1400 today. Similar price changes
will be found throughout.
If you collect the stamps of India, this is a catalogue you cannot do
The Stanley Gibbons India catalogue lists and prices
the stamps of India from the earliest issues of Sind Province (1852) and
the East India Company (1854-64) up to the end of 2008, to the level of
detail familiar to users of the Part 1 British Commonwealth listings.
The catalogue includes details of Indian stamps used abroad, with fully
priced listings in several cases, also the stamps of Indian
Expeditionary and Custodian forces overseas and the issues of the Indian
Convention and Feudatory states.
Major plate flaws, watermark varieties, shades, official stamps and
booklets are all listed.
Details of issues up to 1970 have been extracted from Stanley Gibbons
2010 Commonwealth and British Empire Stamp Catalogue. Later issues have
been revised and updated specially for the publication.
Prices extensively revised with many significant increases since the 2nd