An Express Inland Air Service was introduced for speedy
transmission of mail By Air. The fee was 2 annas for Letters and 1 anna for
Post Cards.
"Sometimes, something happens, which should not have happened. Without
beating around the brush, I must admit that I have forgotten from where I have
taken this information, and now I am unable to find any supporting evidence to
my claim. But one thing is definite that I have quoted this service, only when I
have seen something in writing".
First, we should discuss, whether such service could have existed or not. In
my opinion, this Express Inland air Service should have existed on and from 15th
September 1948, because on this day a new AIR LETTER service was introduced for
fast transmission with reduced weight. If a fight weight Air Letter will cost 2
annas (logical bifurcation is 1 anna + 1 anna Air Fee), an Express Air Mail
Service post Cards may cost 1? annas (? a + 1 a) and for Envelopes may cost 3?
annas (1? as. + 2 as). One should remember Air Fee for Envelope is double than
Post Cards since 1st February 1938 when Air Fee on Post Cards was reduced to ?
anna (6 pies) from 9 pies and 1 anna Air Fee remained for Envelope.
Now the question arise, if such Express air Service was there, examples
should have existed. In my opinion, examples on Envelopes have mixed up with
Express Delivery Service because the surcharge in both services was same, i.e. 2
annas. And this Express Inland Air Service was very short-lived i.e. 6? months
because Air Surcharge was abolished on and from 1st April 1949.
Examples of 1? annas Post Cards are scarce but we do find Air Mail post
Cards with 1 anna stamp along with ? anna printed stamp. Again this may be
misleading because ? anna was Late Fee charge and ? anna was Air Fee charge.
Now it is very difficult to decipher whether the Post Card in question has
traveled with Late Fee, Air Mail or Express Air Mail.
Thus it appears that this service needs more investigations before my claim
being accepted. I am showing 2 examples of Post Cards gone by Air Mail but
without any remarks "Express or Late Fee", but payment is 1? annas.

Posted from Kalbadevi, Bombay on 25th November 1948 and reached Jodhpur
on 26th November 1948.

Posted from Siliguri on 12th March 1949 and was delivered at Calcutta on
13th March 1949. |