A special "AIR MAIL" postage stamp in 12
annas denomination was issued on 29th May 1948, to commemorate the 1st external
air service commenced on 8th June 1948 from Bombay to London via Cairo
(Egypt) and Geneva (Switzerland). The stamp bore the picture of
constellation VT-CAP "Malabar Princess " used in this
inaugural air service by the Air India international Ltd.
As these stamps are not intended for normal postal purposes
except for use on the 1st Flight only, a limited quantity of this stamp was
printed. These stamps were sold from 29th May 1948 to 8th June 1948 after which
were withdrawn and were not used as normal Postage Stamps.
Special Counters, at under mentioned Head Post Offices were
opened for the sale of this stamps, namely Ahmedabad, Allahabad, Ambala,
Amritsar, Bangalore, Bombay, Calcutta, Cuttack, Darjeeling, Dehra Dun, Delhi,
New Delhi, Jubbulpore, Kanpur, Lucknow, Madras, Madura, Mrerut, Mussoori, Nagpur,
Nainital, Patna, Poona, Ranchi, Shillong, Simla, Srinagar and Vizagapatnum.
Purchasers of other places would obtain these stamps by
registering their requirements with any of the above nearest HPO even before
29th May 1948. Arrangements were made for the supply of special designed First
Flight Covers free of charge to the purchasers of this stamps.
First Flight Covers bearing this stamp should not be posted
in the post office or street letter boxes but should be handed in, at the
special counter in the above referred HPO or at the Philatelic Bureau at Bombay
All post offices were strictly instructed that covers bearing
the new 12 annas Air Mail stamps and intended for conveyance by the First
Flight, should not be cancelled by any post office other than the Philatelic
Bureau, Bombay GPO, nor should any date stamp be impressed by any post office on
these covers. Great care should be taken by all concerned to see that these
Flight Covers do not get soiled in the course of their transmission to the
Philatelic Bureau, Bombay GPO, where stamps borne by the covers will be
cancelled by a special cancellation before their onward journey.
For wide publicity of this stamp, two postal notices were
v Postal Notice
No.10 dated 12th May 1948.
v Postal Notice No.15 dated 25th May 1948.
First Flight Cover Privately
Printed posted on 8th June 1948 from Bombay to London.

It appears that at least 4 different Special Cancellations
Dies were prepared from a Master Die. If a close look is given, one
can find differences in the cancellation dies. The major difference is
noticeable, when you compare the position of ?Y? of Bombay and ?I?of
First. The other difference is clearly noticeable, if the tail of plane
is compared.

This stamp created history and also many controversies. Late Jal Cooper in
his editorial, which was published in August 1948 issue of "India's Stamp
Journal", had stated that the Free First Day Covers were not available
freely though the Department had announced that a Cover would be given free with
purchase of each stamp. The second muddle was the issue of a single value of 12
annas, which didn?t make up the prevailing postage rates, viz. 10as for Cairo
and 14as for Geneva. In case of Cairo, 2 as were over paid but for Geneva it was
under paid by 2as. Many collectors didn?t put extra 2as stamp of cover though
the cover was addressed to Geneva. It appears that the Department allowed
without any postage due to fly covers to Geneva. That is why, we find covers to
Geneva with only 12as Stamp.
The major muddle was experienced at London, where the Post
Master General of London, flatly refused to put Receiving Post Mark on
back side of letters received by the First Flight of Air India. The
non-co-operation was further carried by refusing to accept mails, for the
return flight, which took place on 11th June 1948. That is why Return
Flight Covers are not found freely and easily. In my opinion, they are very
very scarce because some covers were made privately by Late Jal cooper.
Receiving Post
Geneva |
Registered Mail
Cairo |
Bombay on Return Flight