Registered mail posted in
Dec-1949 from Nepal to India Reg. slip No.R-167 shows the words
EMBASSY NEPAL" & " BRITISH LEGATION NEPAL" The British Legation (Nepal) P.O. was transformed into Indian Embassy (Nepal) P.O. after India?s Independence on 15th August 1947, but no
specific date is recorded yet. Mr. Wolfgang C. Hellrigl also in his book
"Nepal Postal History" doesn?t give any specific date when legation
office was taken over by Indian Embassy. But in my opinion, the transformation
date should be 1st April 1948 and reason for my belief, are as follows.
v India was divided
on 14th-15th August 1947 at night. But the postal treatment towards
Pakistan was finalized on and from 1st April 1948 only.
v The Postal
administration of Persian Gulf countries i.e. Bahrain, Dubai, Kuwait and
Muscat was handed over by India to British Post Office Agencies on and from
1st April 1948.
v It is recorded
in Nepal Postal History by Wolfgang that the Postal Markings were altered from
British Legation (Nepal) to Indian Embassy (Nepal), in between 23rd April 1948
and 10th May 1948. It means that the change in Postal Cancellation took place
after 1st April 1948 and it also means that if alteration would have taken
place earlier, the cancellation would have appeared earlier.
The Indian Embassy (Nepal) P.O. or British Legation (Nepal) P.O.
or Residency P.O. was the name of the Indian Post Office in Nepal. The
Residency P.O. started functioning in Kathmandu, Nepal in the year 1816. It
continued till 1920 when it became British Legation P.O., but postal markings
were changed in 1941. After India?s Independence the charge of this Indian
P.O. was handed over to Indian Embassy in Nepal on 1st April 1948, and the
postal markings were changed in between 23rd April 1948 and 10th May 1948. It
was closed on and from 12th April 1965.

Privately printed FDC with the Cancellation
inscribed word - "INDIAN EMBASSY
The Indian Post Office, which worked for 149 years in Nepal,
was actually worked as a Foreign Post Office of Nepal. All foreign letters
(excluding India) had to be forwarded to its destination through this Post
Office. Before 1950, Nepal had a rigid policy of isolation, which was relaxed
during the early 1950?s. Since then, Tourists Mail started flowing through
Indian Embassy P.O. Mail arrangements between India and Nepal were as follows:
v Fully Prepaid
Unregistered correspondence namely, Letters, Single Post Cards, Printed
papers, Business Papers, Samples and unregistered News Papers could be sent
by the Post offices in India to Nepal through the offices of Exchange.
v Reply Paid Post
Cards, Money Order and V. P. Post Services were not available between
two countries.
v Registration,
Insurance and Parcel Service were also not available throughout Nepal except
kathmandu where Indian Post Office - Indian Embassy P.O. Nepal was working.
It means that Parcels within a limit of 400 tolas, Registered
and Insured articles, addressed to and/ or care of this Indian Embassy P.O.,
could be accepted. In case the addressee is not a member of the Indian Embassy,
the Registered and Insured articles were handed over by the Indian Embassy
(Nepal) P.O. to a representative of the Nepalese P.O. at Kathmandu, under acquaintance
and the later effects delivery. The above rules are recorded in
Section XII of P & T Guide July 1948 and clarification there after are
recorded in DGPO Circular No.49 dated 29th November 1949.
