Stamp Booklets Issued /
Approved by India Post The information in the listing is presented in following format: Date of Issue, Official Sale Price, Subject Contents, Face Value, Issuing Authority Quantity, Printed by, Made-up by | 
 | 1980 January 1: Rs.35, INDIA-80 world philatelic exhibition 10 blocks of 4 of the first 10 stamps issued on INDIA-80 from normal sheets, Rs.33.60, India Post -, -, Philatelic Bureau New Delhi | 002
 | 1989 January 20: Rs.270, INDIA-89 world philatelic exhibition 14 sheetlets printed specially for the booklet with different perforations then issues in normal sheets, Rs.255.60, India Post 40,000, Thomson Press Faridabad, Individually Numbered | 003
| 1994 November 7: Rs.20, Bombay GPO Bicentennial 20 special definitive stamp of Re.1 depicting Gandhi from normal sheets, Rs.20, Maharashtra Circle, India Post 2,000, Tata Press Mumbai, Philatelic Bureau Maharashtra | 004

 | 1998: Rs.25, Green 5 each definitive stamps of Rs.2 and Rs.3 depicting weaving and Polio immunization respectively from normal sheets, Rs.25. Nagpur Region of Maharashtra Circle, India Post -, -, - | 004A
 | 1998-2002: Rs.25, Blue 5 each of stamps of Rs.2 and Rs.3 from normal sheets, Rs.25. Nagpur Region of Maharashtra Circle, India Post -, -, - | 004B
1998-2002: Rs.25, Green 5 each of stamps of Rs.2 and Rs.3 from normal sheets, Rs.25. Nagpur Region of Maharashtra Circle, India Post -, -, - |
2003 005 | 2003 April 21: Greetings, Rs. 40 6 definitive stamps of Rs. 4 depicting Painted stork from normal sheets and 6 different greeting self adhesive labels, Rs.24. Northern Region of Kerala Circle, India Post 500, Digital Printers & Binders of Kannur, Philatelic Bureau, Calicut | 006
 | 2003 September 18: Rs.50, Darjeeling Himalayan Railway 1 10 definitive stamps of Rs.5 depicting Leopard Cat from normal sheets, Rs.50, North Bengal & Sikkim Region of West Bengal Postal Circle 1000, La Belle Art & Publicity Kolkata, Philatelic Bureau Siliguri | 007
 | 2003 September 18: Rs.50, Darjeeling Himalayan Railway 2 10 definitive stamps of Rs.5 depicting Leopard Cat from normal sheets, Rs.50, North Bengal & Sikkim Region of West Bengal Postal Circle 1000, La Belle Art & Publicity Kolkata, Philatelic Bureau Siliguri | 008
 | 2003 October 2: Rs.100, GUJPEX 2003 10th state level philatelic exhibition 20 definitive stamps of Rs.5 depicting Leopard Cat from normal sheets, Rs.100, Gujarat Postal Circle 1000, Mehta Printers Ahmedabad, Philatelic Bureau Ahmedabad | 009
 | 2003 October 12: Rs.100, RAJPEX 2003 10th state level philatelic exhibition 20 definitive stamps of Rs.5 depicting Leopard Cat from normal sheets, Rs.100, Rajasthan Postal Circle 500, Sumedha Printers Jaipur, Philatelic Bureau Jaipur | 010
 | 2003 December 22: Rs.70, SURATPEX district level philatelic exhibition 12 special stamps, 3 sets of 4 different, of Greetings issue from normal sheets, Rs.54, Surat Division of Vadodara Region of Gujarat Postal Circle 500, Bright Offset Surat, Offices of the Superintendent of Post Offices Surat, Individually Numbered | 011
 | 2003 December 24: Rs.50, ‘Joy of Communication’ Sunrise 10 definitive stamps of Rs.5 depicting Leopard Cat from normal sheets, Rs.50, North Bengal & Sikkim Region of West Bengal Postal Circle 1000, La Belle Art & Publicity Kolkata, Philatelic Bureau Siliguri | 012
 | 2003 December 24: Rs.50, ‘Joy of Communication’ 100Years of Powered Flight 10 definitive stamps of Rs.5 depicting Leopard Cat from normal sheets, Rs.50, North Bengal & Sikkim Region of West Bengal Postal Circle 1000, La Belle Art & Publicity Kolkata, Philatelic Bureau Siliguri | 013
 | 2003 December 24: Rs.50, ‘Joy of Communication’ Letterboxes 10 definitive stamps of Rs.5 depicting Leopard Cat from normal sheets, Rs.50, North Bengal & Sikkim Region of West Bengal Postal Circle 1000, La Belle Art & Publicity Kolkata, Philatelic Bureau Siliguri | 014
 | 2003 December 24: Rs.50, ‘Joy of Communication’ Flower 10 definitive stamps of Rs.5 depicting Leopard Cat from normal sheets, Rs.50, North Bengal & Sikkim Region of West Bengal Postal Circle 1000, La Belle Art & Publicity Kolkata, Philatelic Bureau Siliguri |
2004 015
 | 2004 October 1: Rs.100, Centenary of Stamp Booklets of India Definitive stamps 4 each of Re.0.50, Re.1, Rs.2, Rs.4, Rs.5, Rs.10, Rs.90, Gujarat Circle, India Post 500, Rajkalpa Ahmedabad, Philatelic Bureau Ahmedabad | 016
 | 2004 October 1: Rs.30, ‘Joy of Communication’ Children’s Day 6 stamps of Rs.5, Rs.30, North Bengal & Sikkim Region of West Bengal Postal Circle 2000, Philatelic Bureau Siliguri | 017
 | 2004 October 1: Rs.30, ‘Joy of Communication’ Letterboxes 6 stamps of Rs.5, Rs.30, North Bengal & Sikkim Region of West Bengal Postal Circle 2000, Philatelic Bureau Siliguri | 018
 | 2004 October 1: Rs.30, ‘Joy of Communication’ Greetings 6 stamps of Rs.5, Rs.30, North Bengal & Sikkim Region of West Bengal Postal Circle 2000, Philatelic Bureau Siliguri | 019
 | 2004 October 1: Rs.30, ‘Joy of Communication’ INS Tarangini 6 stamps of Rs.5, Rs.30, North Bengal & Sikkim Region of West Bengal Postal Circle 2000, Philatelic Bureau Siliguri | 020
 | 2004 October 1: Rs.50, Darjeeling Himalayan Railway 2 10 definitive stamps Rs.5 depicting Leopard Cat from normal sheets, Rs.50, North Bengal & Sikkim Region of West Bengal Postal Circle 2000, Philatelic Bureau Siliguri | 021
 | 2004 October 1: Rs.50, Darjeeling Himalayan Railway 1 10 definitive stamps Rs.5 depicting Leopard Cat from normal sheets, Rs.50, North Bengal & Sikkim Region of West Bengal Postal Circle 2000, Philatelic Bureau Siliguri | 022
 | 2004 November 19: Rs.20, Nilgiri Tahr of Eravikulam National Park 24 definitive stamps of Re.0.50 depicting Nilgiri Tahr from normal sheets, Rs.12, Central Region of Kerala Postal Circle, -, -, Philatelic Bureau Kochi |
2005 023
| 2005 February 26: Rs.45, Our Heritage – Taj Mahal 3 stamps of Rs.15 from the normal sheets, Rs.45, Chhattisgarh Circle, India Post -, -, Philatelic Bureau Bilaspur | 024
| 2005 February 26: Rs.30, Our Heritage – Mahatma Gandhi 6 stamps of Rs.5 from the normal sheets, Rs.30, Chhattisgarh Circle, India Post -, -, Philatelic Bureau Bilaspur | 025
| 2005 February 26: Rs.30, Our Heritage – Peacock 6 stamps of Rs.5 from the normal sheets, Rs.30, Chhattisgarh Circle, India Post -, -, Philatelic Bureau Bilaspur | 026
| 2005 February 26: Rs.30, Our Heritage – Dances 6 stamps of Rs.5 from the normal sheets, Rs.30, Chhattisgarh Circle, India Post -, -, Philatelic Bureau Bilaspur | 027
| 2005 February 26: Rs.30, Our Heritage – Festivals 6 stamps of Rs.5 from the normal sheets, Rs.30, Chhattisgarh Circle, India Post -, -, Philatelic Bureau Bilaspur | 028
 | 2005 April 28: Rs.40, Orchid 8 stamps of Rs.5 from the normal sheets, Rs.40, North Bengal & Sikkim Region of West Bengal Circle, India Post -, -, Philatelic Bureau Siliguri | 029
| 2005 April 29: Rs.40, Yak 8 stamps of Rs.5 from the normal sheets, Rs.40, North Bengal & Sikkim Region of West Bengal Circle, India Post -, -, Philatelic Bureau Siliguri | 030
| 2005 April 30: Rs.40, Satyr Tragopan Pheasants 8 stamps of Rs.5 from the normal sheets, Rs.40, North Bengal & Sikkim Region of West Bengal Circle, India Post -, -, Philatelic Bureau Siliguri | 031
| 2005 April 30: Red Panda 8 stamps of Rs.5 from the normal sheets, Rs.40, North Bengal & Sikkim Region of West Bengal Circle, India Post -, -, Philatelic Bureau Siliguri | 032 | 2005 May 26: Mahatma Gandhi’s Dandi March, Rs 40 4 stamps of Rs 5 each of the Dandi March issue from the normal sheets, Rs 20, Northern Region of Kerala Circle, India Post 300, -, Calicut Philatelic Bureau |
 | 2005 Jun 1: Mahatma Gandhi’s Dandi March, Rs 50 8 stamps of Rs 5 each of the Dandi March issue from the normal sheets, Rs 40 Philatelic Society of Rajasthan, Jaipur with approval of India Post Quantity 500, -, - | 034
 | 2005 Sep: North Bengal & Sikkim Region of West Bengal Circle, India Post | 035
 | 2005 Sep: North Bengal & Sikkim Region of West Bengal Circle, India Post |
 | 2005 Oct 2: Gujarat Circle, India Post |
 | 2005 Oct 2: Gujarat Circle, India Post |
 | 2005 Oct 2: Gujarat Circle, India Post |
 | 2005 Oct 2: Gujarat Circle, India Post |
 | 2005 Oct 30: North Bengal & Sikkim Region of West Bengal Circle, India Post |
 | 2005 Oct 31: Gujarat Circle, India Post |
 | 2005 Nov: Northern Region of Kerala Circle, India Post |
 | 2005 Dec: Jharkhand Circle of India Post |
 | 2007Jan: Rs 70 Asansol Division, India Post 300 |
 | 2007Jan: Rs 70 Asansol Division, India Post 300 |
 | 2007Jan: Rs 70 Asansol Division, India Post 300 |
 | 2007 March 1: Rs 50 Gandhi Nagar Division, India Post 500 |
 | 2007 March 27: Rs 30 Nicobar Division, India Post |
 | 2007 Apr: Bihar Circle, India Post |
 | 2007 October 6: Mahatma Gandhi Satyagraha Centenary, Rs 80 Gujarat Circle, India Post Quantity 1000 |
 | 2007 Nov 16: Mahatma Gandhi Satyagraha Centenary, Rs 40 Jaipur Division, India Post 500 |
 | 2007 Nov 27: First War of Independence, Rs North Bengal and Sikkim Region of India Post
 | 2008 Jan 02: National Parks, Rs
Tamil Nadu Circle, India Post Quantity 1000 |
 | 2008 Jan 02: Landmark Bridges, Rs
Tamil Nadu Circle, India Post Quantity 1000 |
 | 2008 Jan 02: Mahatma Gandhi Satyagraha Centenary, Rs
Tamil Nadu Circle, India Post Quantity 1000 |
 | 2008 Jan 02: World Military Games, Rs
Tamil Nadu Circle, India Post Quantity 1000 |
 | 2008 Jan 02: Greetings, Rs
Tamil Nadu Circle, India Post Quantity 1000 |

| 2008: Endemic Butterflies of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Rs 30 4 stamps of Rs 5 - Endemic Butterflies of Andaman & Nicobar Islands Andaman & Nicobar Division, India Post Quantity: |
 | 2008 Jun 16: Silver Jubilee of the Philatelic Bureau Dehradun, Rs 50 2 stamps of Rs 4, and 2 stamps of Rs 5 Uttarakhand Circle, India Post Quantity: 250 |
 | 2008 Oct 14: SURPEX Surat District Philatelic Exhibition, Rs 50 Surat Division, Gujarat Circle, India Post Quantity: 3000 |
 | 2008 Dec 1: World AIDS Day, Rs 100
Uttarakhand Circle, India Post Quantity: 250 |
2009 |
| 071
 | 2009 Jan 4: Louis Braille Birth Bicentenary, Rs 50
Uttarakhand Circle, India Post Quantity: 500 |
 | 2009 Jan 30: Festival of Stamps - Mahatma Gandhi 61st Death Anniversary
Gujarat Circle, India Post Quantity 750 |
 | 2009 Jan 30: Festival of Stamps - Anti Leprosy Day
Gujarat Circle, India Post Quantity 750 |
 | 2009 Jan 30: Festival of Stamps - Mother Teresa Gujarat Circle, India Post Quantity 750 |
2009 Aug 15: 63rd Independence Day of India, Rs 50
Sold along with a
Special Cover and 10 Self Adhesive Labels for Rs 75
Vadodara Division, Gujarat Circle, India Post |
2009 Aug 21: Mahatma Gandhi
Chhattisgarh Circle, India Post
Quantity 500
| 077
2009 Aug 21: Mother Teresa
Chhattisgarh Circle, India Post
Quantity 500
2009 Aug 21: Rudra Shiva
Chhattisgarh Circle, India Post
Quantity 500
2009 Aug 21: Digambar Jain Temple
Chhattisgarh Circle, India Post
Quantity 500
2009 Sep 3: Uttam Kumar
West Bengal Circle, India Post
Quantity 1000
| 081

2009 Oct 2: Mahatma Gandhi International Day of Non-Violence
Baroda Philatelic Society, Vadodara with approval of India Post
Sold for Rs 100 along with a Special Cover and 10 Self-Adhesive Labels
Quantity |
2009 Dec 18: Vadodara Baroda Philatelic Society, Vadodara with approval of India Post
Sold for Rs 100 along with 10 Self-Adhesive Labels
Quantity |
2009 Nov 19: Arctic Preservation Uttarakahand Circle of India
Post Rs 50 Quantity 250 |
2009 Nov 19: Antarctic Preservation Uttarakahand Circle of India
Post Rs 50 Quantity 250 |
2010 |
2010 Jan 16 : Reserve Bank of India Platinum Jubilee Uttarakahand Circle of India
Post Rs 50 Quantity 250 |
2010 Feb 23: P C Sorcar Content: 4 stamps of Rs 5 each of P C
Sorcar commeorative West Bengal Circle, India Post Quantity:
700 Price: 75 This is the first booklet with 'Scratch and Win'
2010 May 1: Gujarat Golden Jubilee Gujarat Philatelists
Association, Ahmedabad with approval of Gujarat Circle, India Post Quantity:
750 Price: 75 |
2010 May 1: Gujarat Golden Jubilee Gujarat Philatelists
Association, Ahmedabad with approval of Gujarat Circle, India Post Quantity:
750 Price: 75 |
2010 May 1: Gujarat Golden Jubilee Gujarat Philatelists
Association, Ahmedabad with approval of Gujarat Circle, India Post Quantity:
750 Price: 75 |
2010 May 1: Gujarat Golden Jubilee Gujarat Philatelists
Association, Ahmedabad with approval of Gujarat Circle, India Post Quantity:
750 Price: 75 |
2010 May 1: Gujarat Golden Jubilee Gujarat Philatelists
Association, Ahmedabad with approval of Gujarat Circle, India Post Quantity:
750 Price: 75 |
2010 May 1: Gujarat Golden Jubilee Gujarat Philatelists
Association, Ahmedabad with approval of Gujarat Circle, India Post Quantity:
750 Price: 75 |
2010 May 1: Gujarat Golden Jubilee Gujarat Philatelists
Association, Ahmedabad with approval of Gujarat Circle, India Post Quantity:
750 Price: 75 |
2010 May 1: Gujarat Golden Jubilee Gujarat Philatelists
Association, Ahmedabad with approval of Gujarat Circle, India Post Quantity:
750 Price: 75 |
2010 Jun 4 : Indian Military Academy - Army Cadet College Wing
Golden Jubilee Uttarakahand Circle of India
Post Rs 50 Quantity 600 |

2010 Jun 7: World Environment Day Issued by South India
Philatelists Association Rs Quantity |

2010 Jun 9 : Indian Military Academy - Passing Out: 126 Regular
(Chindits) Uttarakahand Circle of India
Post Rs 50 Quantity 400 |

2010 Jun 9: Indian Military Academy - Born to Battle Uttarakahand Circle of India
Post Rs 50 Quantity 100 |
2010 Rabindranath Tagore West Bengal Circle
Content: Miniature Sheet issued on October 13, 2008 Rs
Quantity |
2010 Dec 2: Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
Rajasthan Circle of India Post Content: block of 4 of Re 1
Gandhi definitive stamps Rs 50 Qunatity |
2010 Dec 8: Indian Military Academy - 127 Regular Course Uttarakahand Circle of India
Post Rs 50 Quantity 1100 |
2011 Sep 26: Chinar 2011 Jammu & Kashmir Philatelic Exhibition
Jammu & Kashmir Circle of India Post Content: 6 Stamps of Rs 5
Rs 50 Quantity 1000 |
2011 Sep 26: Chinar 2011 Jammu & Kashmir Philatelic Exhibition
Jammu & Kashmir Circle of India Post Content: 6 Stamps of Rs 5
Rs 50 Quantity 1000 |
2011 Sep 26: Chinar 2011 Jammu & Kashmir Philatelic Exhibition
Jammu & Kashmir Circle of India Post Content: 6 Stamps of Rs 5
Rs 50 Quantity 1000 |
2011 Sep 26: Chinar 2011 Jammu & Kashmir Philatelic Exhibition
Jammu & Kashmir Circle of India Post Content: 6 Stamps of Rs 5
Rs 50 Quantity 1000 |
Stamp Booklets issued by Philatelic Organizations & PhilatelistsUpdated:
Wednesday, October 26, 2011