Postal Stationery of British India 1856-1947
by Pratisad Neurgaonkar
2nd revised edition of an easy
to use priced catalog, now also covers India Postal Notes, and Indian Postal
Orders, in addition to the complete range of postal stationery plus Airgraph and
Telegraph Forms. The knife types of envelopes and registered envelopes are now
illustrated and the illustrated listings of the dies, imprints, Coat of Arms,
and watermarks as well as varieties and the specimens are much expanded. The
listings are fully revised with original research with reference to official
documentation and score of authentic dates of issue have been recorded for the
first time. The listings also serve as a concordance with Higgins & Gage, Manik
Jain, and Derek Lang numbers. The hardbound book of 108 full color on art paper
A4 Size pages and weighing over 750 grams is available at Rs 650 postpaid in