Vikas Singh


If you thought that highest post office in the world is at Jungfraujoch (11333 feet) think again. It is not even Mount Fuji (12290 feet). The world?s highest post office is in India.


This branch post office is located in small town of Hikkim, in Lahaul Spiti district of Himachal Pradesh. It is located at height of 15500 feet. The pin code for this post office is 172114.


We sent a structured questionnaire by registered letter along with prepaid envelope from Ghaziabad to the branch postmaster at Hikkim on 11th June. The letter was received on 16th June. Mr. Rinchon Chhering, the branch postmaster mailed back the questionnaire in prepaid envelope on 17th June. The envelope reached us on 25th June.


Hikkim has population of 600. There is a motorable road till Hikkim. The nearest main post office is at Kaza, located 25 kms away. The nearest hospital is at Kaza. Around 50 people have a savings account in the Hikkim post office. The post office handles around 15-20 letters everyday. Mr Chhering has been at the post office since November 1983.

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