The Challenges in Collecting Modern Postal Stationery of India Since 1975 ads have appeared on Postal Card, Aerogramme, and Inland Letter Card. An illustrated, complete, authentic, and yearly updated checklist is desperately needed. The Post Office rarely provides any information on these issues. The ads have appeared in
18 different languages. The ads are released in area/s specified by the advertiser and are not available on all India basis. It is difficult to keep up with the new issues and current output is 100+ per year. Four printers are employed and a few issues have been printed by more than one. Perhaps too numerous, an estimate is 1500+ different issues since 1975. Many an ads have popular thematic contents and demand far exceeds the supplies. The quantity printed usually is 200,000 only whereas demands for postal stationery is in billions per year. No collector or dealer claims to have a comprehensive accumulation. Let us build a standard reference for these issues - an online catalog that is fully illustrated and updated frequently by pooling resources and cooperative efforts of all concerned. You are invited to part take in the challenge and the fun of collecting modern postal stationery of India with advertisements. REMEMBER these issues are not made for-collectors issues.